Friday, September 24, 2010

Confucianism and Taoism

It's hard to say what the most important beliefs and practices are of Confucianism and Taoism. Since Confucianism promotes, in short, a code of "ethics" it's difficult to separate those that are more important than others. Each idea-ism works together and in turn, a person becomes whole; his or her balance is complete. The overall idea of Li, a moral behavior, and how life should be conducted, is filled with everyday concepts that make up this balance. One of the most important would be becoming educated. The more people know, the more knowledge they gain. The goal of the education is to become Junzi, a person who knows their role in society. Ruler Subject, parent child, husband wife, elder younger, and friend friend are all specific roles and relationships one may play out in his or her life. A subject must respect a ruler, and in turn a ruler must teach the subject. The same goes for Elder Younger and parent child. There are certain ethics each group must follow in order to find this balance. The Golden Rule, "never do to others what you would not like done to you" is one of these concepts that applies to all groups and relationships of people in order to reach attain Junzi. "In the presence of a good person, think all the time how you may equal her. In the presence of a bad person, turn your gaze within!" No matter the good or bad in a person, it is always wise to learn, not judge; always strive to do better.
The way to understand Taoism is difficult because it so philosophical; on the other hand it is not. picture if you will, ones life as a rich block of wood. As we get older, money, greed, a constant wanting, vanity, all these temptations chip away at this wood and piece by piece these shavings fall to the ground to die and the wood becomes the shape of a doll, or "wood" human. Taoism is about this constant energy and how to obtain it. The idea of ones Chi, a harnessed energy from nature, nutrients, and anything that makes one feel whole and at one with the universe is the concept of Taoism. Some way, any way, to find an inner peace for ones self while appreciating the world around is the essential idea of Taoism.

The two religions or belief systems are simple in a way, but very difficult to understand. I am reminded of Cape Cod on any given morning in the summer weeks at Nauset Beach. There are people sitting in the sand, 6am for some. Ages range from teenagers to middle aged men with their surf boards waiting for the perfect wave. These people have found their Chi, they are at one with the sand and the surf, they are at peace. After riding a wave or two, these people shower off and jump into their business suits, ready to go back into society where there are daily behaviors expected of them. Whether it be working hard for your boss, holding and running daily meetings for staff members, or holding open a door and saying thank you to the person you bought lunch from, they all involve past knowledge or further education with the goal to always better ones life. Taoism and Confucianism work in the same way. Both compliment each other and make an individual well rounded with the idea that the individual is always learning, whether it be from nature or human relationships.

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